Corridor Alternatives Workshop for New Hamburg Area
A Corridor Alternatives Workshop for the New Hamburg Area was held on Monday, March 30, 2009. The purpose of the workshop was to provide an opportunity for participants to:
- Provide feedback on the preliminary short list of corridor alternatives;
- Further identify and describe important community values and local features; and
- Provide input on improvement options for the existing corridor, including a range of potential access options
Workshops / Special Meetings for Stratford / Perth Areas
An additional PIC was held in the Stratford area to present and obtain input on a new corridor alternative which utilizes Lorne Avenue and Erie Street through Stratford. To view the Notice for PIC #2C, click here (PDF/329 kb).
Shakespeare Community Workshops
An initial Shakespeare Community Workshop was held on Monday March 8, 2010 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at the Shakespeare and District Optimist Hall, 3976 Galt Street, Shakespeare
The purpose of the workshop was to provide an opportunity for participants to:
- Share Shakespeare-area issues to be considered in the planning for future Highway 7&8 capacity and safety needs;
- Identify additional criteria to consider for the evaluation of Shakespeare-area route alternatives; and
- Identify potential additional highway route alternatives in the Shakespeare area (see plan below), including route alternatives north and south of existing Highway 7&8 and within the existing and/or expanded Highway 7&8 corridor
A second Shakespeare Community Workshop was held on March 27, 2010 from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm at the North Easthope Community Hall. All individuals who expressed interest in attending the workshop were invited to attend.
The purpose of the workshop was to review the evaluation criteria to be used for the assessment and evaluation of route alternatives in the Shakespeare area, the strengths and weakness of each route alternative and potential measures to enhance each route alternative and/or mitigate potential effects.
To view the Shakespeare Community Workshop Summary Document, Click here (PDF/1.94 mb).